How Can I Support the 3rd Space Endoscopy Program?
There are two ways to donate 1. Call the University Hospitals Kingston Foundation (UHKF) office 613-549-5452 and ask to donate to the 3rd Space Endoscopy program 2. Online at under “Donate”. Click Fund Allocation, select Other Funds, and type in "3rd Space Endoscopy"
How Will The Funds Be Used? As the leading 3rd Space Endoscopy Program in Canada, the funds are used to: Continue to expand the program Obtain equipment required to deliver the highest quality procedures for our patients Aid in research initiatives designed to advance the field of 3rd Space Endoscopy
What is 3rd Space Endoscopy? A new field of endoscopy that originated in Japan for the removal of early cancers throughout the gastrointestinal tract via Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD). These procedures avoid invasive surgeries where all or part of the esophagus, stomach, or colon are removed. The ESD technique has paved the way for the minimally invasive treatment of other diseases such as achalasia via the POEM. These advanced procedures such as ESD, POEM, POET require specialized Endoscopes with an ultra-high magnification, for the detection and examination of early cancers. In addition, there are specialized tools that fit through the endoscope and are used similarly to how a surgeon uses a scalpel for cutting
Since the start of the program in 2016, we have performed many Canadian firsts at Kingston Health Sciences Centre and accept patients throughout the country. As a national leader and referral centre in Canada, we will continue to thrive with your support.